Fire-Lite I300A Fault Isolator Module, ULC Listing

  • Part: 1646303
  • Model: I300(A)


In Stock

Product Overview

The Fire-Lite I300(A) Fault Isolator Module is used with Fire?Lite's addressable fire alarm control panels (FACPs) to protect the system against wire-to-wire short circuits on the SLC loop. The I300(A) should be placed between each device on the SLC loop to isolate a short-circuit problem between the modules. It is required for true Style 7 operation so that other devices can continue to operate normally in the event of a short-circuit on the SLC.

Main Features
  • Directly powered by SLC loop without the need for external power
  • LED that blinks to indicate normal conditions and turns solidWhen short circuit conditions are detected
  • High noise i mmunity